Qualified and experienced Coaches providing approved CQC training courses
- Ensuring your staff are coached to the highest standards and motivated by their new confidence and control over their ability to deliver results
- Improved staff skills to care for your customers.
- All passes are certificated.
- Moving and transferring people - you learn to:
- Move and Handle people in a manner that requires minimum effort using equipment correctly
- Moving and transferring people in a manner that affords them dignity and provides confidence in their carer.
- Other courses include: Dementia Awareness, Mental Capacity Act & DOLS, Equality and Diversity Awareness, Medication, Sova. Consent, Infection Control, Continence, Lone Working.
- We intend to specialise on THE CARE CERTIFICATE all our staff are expected to undertake this course for further information please contact us on the number below.
- This is not an exhaustive List. For further information on these and other courses we offer please contact Angela on 01327 226313
- In our new offices we have dedicated training rooms one with the equipment required for training (Practical) and the other is for theory work.
- For further courses - prices and details please contact KC.Carers on 01327 226313